Evaluate the output of the causal inference method called by causal_discovery.

causal_metrics(simulated_data, estimated_graphs)



List returned by simulate_data. The list is made of:

  • dataset --- Numeric matrix. Dataset of simulated data with n rows and p columns (note that the hidden variables are not included in this matrix).

  • dag --- Square binary matrix. The generated DAG, including both the observed variables and the confounders, if the argument has_confounder = TRUE when calling simulate_data.

  • pos_confounders --- Integer vector. Represents the position of confounders (rows and columns) in dag. If the argument has_confounder = FALSE when calling simulate_data, then pos_confounders = integer(0).


List returned by causal_discovery. The list is made of:

  • est_g --- Square binary matrix (or NA in case of error). The estimated DAG (or CPDAG when the method is pc or pc_rank).

  • est_cpdag --- Square binary matrix (or NA in case of error). The estimated CPDAG.


List. The list is made of:

  • sid Numeric --- between 0 and 1 --- (or NA if est_g is NA). The structural intervention distance between the true DAG dag and the estimated DAG (or CPDAG) est_g. See also compute_str_int_distance.

  • shd Numeric --- between 0 and 1 --- (or NA if est_cpdag is NA). The structural Hamming distance between the true CPDAG (dag_to_cpdag(dag)) and the estimated CPDAG est_cpdag. See also compute_str_ham_distance.


The evaluation is done with respect to the structural intervention distance (see compute_str_int_distance). and the structural Hamming distance (see compute_str_ham_distance).