Runs ICA-based Lingam given a dataset dat
. Returns the causal order
estimated from the data using the LiNGAM-ICA algorithm.
ica_lingam_search(dat, contrast_fun = c("logcosh", "exp"))
Numeric matrix. Dataset matrix with n
rows (observations) and p
columns (variables).
Character. The functional form of the contrast
function used in the Fast-ICA step. It is one of "logcosh"
(the default choice) and "exp"
For further details see the paper from
Hyvarinen, A.,
Numeric vector (or NA
in case of error).
The causal order estimated from the data.
This function is a wrapper around estLiNGAM
from the package
(see ).
The function estLiNGAM
is slightly modified
to allow for different contrast functions in the fast-ICA step of
LiNGAM. To modify estLiNGAM
, we included in this package
several internal functions from pcalg
All the credits go to the authors of the pcalg
Markus Kalisch, Alain Hauser , Martin Maechler, Diego Colombo, Doris Entner, Patrik Hoyer, Antti Hyttinen, Jonas Peters, Nicoletta Andri, Emilija Perkovic, Preetam Nandy, Philipp Ruetimann, Daniel Stekhoven, Manuel Schuerch, Marco Eigenmann.